Tuesday, June 2, 2009

We're Alive and Well

We have had a fun spring so far...visits from friends from Michigan, Easter with family, a "birthday bash", Reagan's first musical program at church, and so much more.

The girls (specifically Abbi) are getting to the age where it is getting easier and easier to do fun stuff with them. We took them to their first movie in a theatre last week...it went pretty well. We saw "Up". Cute movie.

Reagan finished out her first year of preschool. She went two mornings a week this year, she will go 5 mornings a week in the fall. That's a big change, but she loves school, so hopefully she'll do well. She's getting sassy these days...Nate thinks she can do no wrong...i know better. =)

Abbi is her usual spunky self these days. She is talking more and more each day and makes us laugh a lot. Her newest thing is that she always wants to wear her "bunny, bunny" pjs...too bad it's a sleeper and it's getting hot out now. she even pulls it out of the laundry basket!!! this too shall pass...(I hope)

The newest Norman news is that WE ARE ADOPTING!!! We are in the midst of the process right now. We began the process in February, and are slowly, but surely taking it one step at a time. We have completed our homestudy and are waiting for the homestudy report to be written. Meanwhile, we have begun to prepare our dossier (a 29 document packet that will be sent to the country we are adopting from). We are hoping to adopt a little boy, age 3 years old or younger, from Ethiopia. Please pray with us as we continue in this process! it has been a dream of ours for years to adopt and we are amazed at the hand of God in it already.

Hopefully I'll get more consistant at this...
Enjoy the spring weather!!!

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