Sunday, September 13, 2009

Fall is upon us...

We have had a wonderful, full summer. I have been able to not work most Fridays (which is Nate's day off), so we went on day trips those Fridays we don't have anything else going on. We mostly went to the beach, but have also visited a state water park. We love the beach! Reagan is half fishy like her dad, Abbi likes it for a little, then wants to change and lay on the towel with her blankie and milk. One of our favorite parts about living here is that everything fun we love to do is an easy day trip, hence the frequent beach trips.

Nate co-directed at teen camp in june, helped out at junior camp in august, and was just the guest speaker at a junior high weekend retreat. youth group has been growing great the past few weeks since we have started up again for the fall...I have a very gifted's so cool to watch him do what he does best.

I am still working about 30 hours a week at work...i'm hoping to transition into a different job in the next few months though...trying to get into house cleaning or something. Please pray for me if you think about it, it's been a rough few months for me at work. it's taking it's toll...

Reagan starts preschool this week...she'll be going 5 mornings a week this year. Can't believe she'll be in kindergarten next!
Abbi is as cute and active as ever...she is so fun. She seems to talk more and more each day, constantly surprising and amusing us. she's getting good on the potty too.

pray for my grandmother(my dad's mom) is dying...she has had alzheimers for years and we will probably lose her in the next day or two.

sorry no pics of the time!

sorry no pics....too tired to find time!

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