Wednesday, May 14, 2008


You know you haven't cleaned your house in a long time when your three year old asks "Mama, who's coming over?" because she saw you mop the kitchen floor! funny how they pick up on stuff at such a young age.

Speaking of picking things up...reagan was singing "Zacceus" tonight at dinner, we look over at Abbi and she was doing the motions! It was so cute!

In case any of you have wondered Purple (reagan's birthday fish) is still alive and swimmin'. Abbi LOVES it now...she says "purpa, purpa" and tries to climp up reagan's dresser to reach it.

speaking of climbing...abbi is dangerous!! she tries to pull out the drawers of my bedside table so she can climb up to get on the bed, she climbs up the dining room chair onto the table, pulls out the kid's chair, climbs onto the kid's table, stands on that and then climbs onto the window sill (or pulls the glass items off of it). My mom found her standing in my bottom dresser drawer she had pulled out while i was at work the other day. she also walks straight off of couches and even stairs! she's working on the turning around thing to get down, but has by no means mastered it.

Reagan is into ballet things lately. she wears a little dancer skirt all day long now, even to bed sometimes! We've been watching the florida revival on God tv, she dances around and sings "fire, fire." =) She calls it watching church and "bam!" (check it out online if you don't get the God channel, God is doing amazing things)

How's that for a random post!?!?! goodnight!

snuggly girls...

Snuggly girls...with their daddy sleeping away!


Sarah said...

Ummm I do believe that it has been over two months since you blogged last! This is the blogging police telling you to put more pictures up of your cute little girls! :) I love you!

KatelynWaite said...

OK so now that I blog you better be updating yours soon!!!!! :)

. said...

I agree with sarah... time to update. I love seeing pictures and reading your news!!!